UPDATE: The MIX will resume in-person programming for March & April 2022. The only difference is that for the MIX in March, parent pickup will take place at 6:15pm for all ages. Youth (6th-12th grades) will meet outside the sanctuary from 5:15-6:15pm. All programming will take place OUTSIDE. Masks are required for anyone inside church buildings. For more information, contact Candice Hubbard at themix@atascaderoumc.org or 805-466-2566.
Abbreviated MIX schedule for March 2022
- 4:30pm: Supervised play on the playground (optional)
- 4:55pm: Recreation (TK-5th; optional for 6th-12th)
- 5:15pm: Bible Study (TK-12th)
- 5:55pm: Worship Skills (TK-5th)
- 6:15pm: Parent pickup (all ages)
The MIX is our exciting intergenerational mid-week program, in which our church buildings burst with the energy and laughter of children and teenagers. Care and thought are go into how we can meet in-person, yet keep everyone safe.
The MIX is for children in TK (4 years old) through 12th grade. The MIX will take place on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 7:15 p.m. for those in TK through fifth grade; 5:15 to 8 pm for sixth and seventh grades; and 6:15 to 8 p.m. for those in eighth through 12th grades. For more about the youth program, CLICK HERE. Dinner will be included in the program for all participants. Food restrictions and allergies can be accommodated.
Registration is open!
- TK-5th registration form PDF
- TK-5th registration form Google Form
- 6th-12th registration form PDF
- 6th-12th registration form Google Form
- Child/youth medical release form
- Volunteer registration form

The 2021-22 MIX Year
Monthly Theme for September: God Created You & Me
Sept. 8, 2021
Lesson: Season of Creation: Sky
Scripture: Gen. 1:1-8 & Psalm 104:1-18
Dress up: Wear Blue
Sept. 15, 2021
Lesson: Season of Creation: Water
Scripture: Gen. 1:20 & Psalm 104:10
Dress up: Beach Day
Sept. 22, 2021
Lesson: Season of Creation: People of the Promise
Scripture: Gen. 1:24-2:2 & Gen. 6
Dress up: Wear Blue
Sept. 26, 2021—MIX Sunday
Monthly Theme for October: A Neighborhood for All
Oct. 6, 2021
Lesson: Treasure in Heaven
Scripture: Mark 10:17-31
Dress up: Pirates
Oct. 13, 2021
Lesson: Stewardship/A Servant’s Heart
Scripture: Gen. 1:1-8 & Psalm 104:1-18
Bring a non-perishable
Oct. 20, 2021
Lesson: What is it WE need?
Scripture: Mark 12:31
Oct. 24, 2021—MIX Sunday
Monthly Theme for November: With a Grateful Heart
Nov. 3, 2021
Lesson: Remembrance
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:25
Bring a picture of someone special to you
Nov. 10, 2021
Lesson: Giving Thanks
Scripture: Psalm 9:1-2
Dress up: Backwards Clothes
Nov. 17, 2021
Lesson: A Grateful Heart
Scripture: Psalm 126
Dress up: Something with hearts
Nov. 21, 2021—MIX Sunday
Monthly Theme for December: The Greatest Gift
Dec. 1, 2021
Lesson: Love: Preparation for Jesus’ birth
Dress up: Light it up! Wear clothes that are bright and shiny
Dec. 8, 2021
Lesson: Joy: Good News
Dress up: Newsies Dress Up
Dec. 15, 2021
Lesson: Hope: Who will Jesus Be?
Dec. 19—MIX Sunday
2022 dates
Jan. 5, 2022, ON ZOOM: 6:30-7:30PM
Lesson: Baptism
Scripture: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
Dress up: Blue
Jan. 12, 2022, ON ZOOM: 6:30-7:30PM
Lesson: Giftedness
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Dress up: Circus
Jan. 16, 2022—MIX Sunday
Jan. 19, 2022, ON ZOOM: 6:30-7:30PM
Lesson: One Body, Many Parts
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31A
Dress up: Sports Day
Feb. 2, 2022, ON ZOOM: 6:30-7:30PM
Lesson: Fishing for People
Scripture: Luke 5:1-11
Dress up: Fishing Gear
Feb. 9, 2022, ON ZOOM: 6:30-7:30PM
Lesson: Trust in the Lord
Scripture: Jeremiah 17:5-10
Dress up: Wear Green
Feb. 16, 2022, ON ZOOM: 6:30-7:30PM
Lesson: Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Scripture: Genesis 45:3-11,15
Dress up: Coat of Many Colors
Feb. 20, 2022—MIX Sunday
March 2, 2022
Lesson: An Opportune Time
Scripture: Luke 4:1-13
What to bring: Supplies from virtual MIX
March 9, 2022
Lesson: Under the Wings
Scripture: Luke 13:31-35
Dress up: Feathered Friends
March 16, 2022
Lesson: Patience is a Virtue
Scripture: Luke 13:1-9
Dress up: Wear Green
March 20, 2022—MIX Sunday
April 6, 2022
Lesson: TBA
Scripture: TBA
Dress up: TBA
April 10, 2022—MIX Sunday & Palm Sunday
April 20, 2022
Lesson: TBA
Scripture: TBA
Dress up: TBA
April 27, 2022—MIX Celebration/volunteer appreciation
The RULE of the MIX:
You are a child of God and I will treat you like one.
Jesus’ ministry focused on teaching people what the Kingdom of God was like: non-competitive, inclusive, sharing, and life-affirming. The MIX is a metaphor for that Kingdom and is an alternative for children who are being reared in an image-based culture that’s driven by competition, individualism, and consumerism. Based on a nation-wide proven church program called “LOGOS,” we began our MIX with an in-depth training for adult leaders. After much prayer and preparation, we kicked things off in September 2011 and quickly doubled in size from what we had hoped for.
The goal of the MIX:
To grow intergenerational Christian relationships.
Any child is welcome to attend The MIX; families do not have to be church members in order to participate. We have found The MIX to be an excellent way to learn about Christianity, play together, get to know each other more deeply, and bridge the time in between Sundays. Email our MIX coordinator for more info at themix@atascaderoumc.org.
To subscribe to The MIX email list, CLICK HERE.