We know there are many ways people give: through time, money and other resources. We also know that not everyone has checks these days nor a lot of cash, so we now offer eGiving. We offer several different ways you can contribute to the church.
- Mail checks to P.O. Box 2037, Atascadero, CA 93423
- Drop off checks or cash to the church office: 11605 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA (call first to ensure that someone will be there)
- Set up a regular auto withdrawal by contacting the church office at mail@atascaderoumc.org or 805-466-2566
- Give via the Venmo app on your smartphone, tablet or computer: venmo.com/atascaderoumc (This is our preferred method of receiving offering/donations digitally because NO FEES are charged to the church or to the giver.) Please specify what you are giving the money for. If for offering, please write “offering.”
If none of these options work for you and you’d prefer to donate via the previous online giving option, please contact the church office at mail@atascaderoumc.org or 805-466-2566.