Caring Connections
Caring Connections
A Mission of the Atascadero United Methodist Church
Building a Network of Love
Galatians 6:2
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
The heart of Care Connections is one of outreach to our Church community, meeting the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of its members.
We provide the following services:
- Meal deliveries
- Visitations
- Fellowship and Activities
- Temporary in-home assistance
- Faith Community Nurse
- Memorial Services
COVID 19 Protocol Compliant
Together we aim at being a loving community of faith.
AUMC’s Mission Statement offer support, fellowship and worship, equipping those who hunger for wholeness to live and love as disciples of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and/or strengthen persons to serve and commit ourselves to Christian service..
For more information or assistance,
Please contact:
AUMC Office at (805) 466-2566 or
We provide a broad verity of service to those in need.
- Evening meals are provided to those in need, every-other-day for a week.
- Weekly visits to the housebound.
- Sharing in fellowship and fun with potlucks, picnics, small group gatherings.
- Temporary assistance with grocery shopping, medication pick-up and rides to doctor’s appointments.
- Our Faith Community Nurse is available to assist you as a liaison with your medical provider.
- Assisting families with the Celebration of Life with reception and gatherings.
- We are always in need of committed
Volunteering one hour a month can make all the difference in the world. If you would like to help.
Caring Connections Survey
Many of us have had opportunities to be on the giving as well as the receiving end of the nurturing and healing care that AUMC offers. The Caring Connections Ministry needs an up-to-date list of volunteers to assist with personal needs in the church as
they arise. Please consider if this is a way God is calling you to share your talents. If this Ministry speaks to your heart, please let us know by connecting to the link in the AUMC e-blast and filling out the Caring Connections Survey. Thank you
If you would rather fill out this paper copy of the Caring Connections Survey, you may fill out this form and put it in the collection basket during the church service, or send it to the Church Office.